
1 - Poetas - Adrienne Rich

3 - Poetas - Elizabeth Bishop

5 - Poetas - Wendy Cope

7 - Poetas - Gabriela Mistral

9 - Famous poems - Die Lorelei by Heinrich Heine

13-Poetas - Goethe

16-J.K.Rowling, the author of Harry Potter

17-Poetas - Sonetos de Bocage

18-Poetas - Anna Akhmátova

19-Poetas - Requiem, de Anna Akhmátova

20-Poetas - more Anna Akhmátova

21-Poetas - Robert Frost

23-Poetas - Rosalía de Castro

25-Poetas - Alexandre O'Neill

27-Poetas - Fernando Assis Pacheco

30-Hannah Arendt, Jewish philosopher and political scientist